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  - Letter to Pastors 
  - Letter to Students 
Letter to New Students

445 Shelton Road
Hampton, Virginia 23663

Ministry of Victory Baptist Church

Samuel E. Hyde, Sr., D. D. Thomas W. Giles, Sr., D. R. E., Th. D., D. Min.
President Dean of Students
SUBJECT: Letter to New Students

Dear Students and Prospective Students:

At the beginning of a new school year you need to decide the courses you will take based on those being offered. Registration for the first semester of the school year will be the last Monday in August at 6:00 p.m. If that is not a good time for those desiring to enroll, please call the college anytime before classes begin.

Classes will also begin on the last Monday in August at 6:30 p.m. All students will need to have completed registration and enrollment prior to starting class.

Registration and Tuition will be $30 Registration and $60 Tuition per student. We have intentionally kept the cost at a low level to help those who otherwise could not afford college. If you cannot pay the required tuition and registration fees due to financial stress, and can show evidence of the same, then we will review your situation on a case-by-case basis and may waive this requirement. Book fees are the responsibility of the student. For those who will be graduating at the end of the school year, there is a $25.00 diploma fee and a $25.00 graduation fee with no exceptions. The transcript is $10.00.

Because tuition and registration is at a low cost and the college teachers teach without pay, every student is asked to give a gift to the college for the teachers prior to the Christmas holidays and prior to the end of the second semester. This money is divided up among the teachers. Make checks to Victory Baptist College. We also take cash.

Our best advertising is you, the student. Please help to get the word out to your friends and fellow church members about our college. It is important to us to provide a Bible education to as many as possible and train them in preparation for Christian service in their local churches, missions, and ministry. This college operates by and for the local church and its ministry.

Study to show thyself approved,

Samuel E. Hyde, Sr.

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